As a building service contractor or housekeeping manager, you are responsible for understanding and implementing fair labor standards across your operation. The Fair Labor Standards Act establishes guidelines around wages, record-keeping, and child labor standards, which affects your business and how you run it. With changes coming to minimum wages and overtime rules in the
The most important liquid in any cleaning operation is plain old water. We use it in almost everything we do, usually without a second thought. That’s changing. Earlier this year, the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report named water shortages as the number-one crisis facing the planet in the next decade. As the summer temps
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve heard plenty about the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and how the sweeping reform affects U.S. health insurance. What you may not know, however, is that the law also has major ramifications on the cleaning industry. In an effort to improve patient care, the ACA rewards hospitals that